先申明 這篇網誌是重新書寫的

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“明白!”我起身往樓上的床鋪躺去  感受被我冷落一天的  冷清的被窩  心中想著曾經熟悉而當下該現身的溫暖

為什麼瀏覽別人網誌  可以想很多事情  自己動筆寫的時候  就沒法子行雲流水地開始

sunihua 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

有人說 等待很難熬 
我說 那是因為我不了解其中的快樂

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sunihua 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

運用靈動而無聲的語言 傳達美麗又充滿感情的畫面

愛情是一首歌 縱使不經由聲音傳遞 雙手比畫所傳達的訊息

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sunihua 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

This is the first time i really spend time on my blog ha
don't know what to write about..

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This song a person sent to me today...really gave me so strong a feeling...
The song is called "I'm yours" SO touching!

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today i went to ohstudy for interviewing, there are two parts, including oral tests
and papering, gosh, i have the slightist idea that i am competeing with teachers and

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It seems so dreary for me to write such notes, ofcourse i have more than "words" to
tell, god knows what i mean for it.

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